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Burke and Hare - The West Port Murders ©

A four part limited series for television, this dramatization of 19th century serial killers has reporter Archibald Johnson investigating grave robbing in the city of Edinburgh. His journey takes him on a dangerous path into the underworld of Scotland's capital that ultimately leads to the murderers who are selling the bodies of their victims to Doctor Knox.


Dark and filled with suspense, this award winning screenplay transports the reader into a world of power, greed and corruption where rich clash with the poor.


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Inside Reach ©

When Jack Corral falls in love with Amy Lee, life becomes more complicated as his flatmates turn against him, his deepest secret threatens to be revealed and a spy conspiracy forces him to make choices that will determine his survival and sanity as social unrest displaces his world of reality.


A psychological drama feature that spans several days as life spirals out of control for our hero.

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Follow the seven year story of a rogue who leaves a trail of financial and emotional destruction behind him as he drives forth on his venture to enrich himself.

Intelligent and cunning, his ultimate high stake plan is to forge the Union Bank of Scotland bank notes that will be laundered to fund his expensive lifestyle.

Running at 2hrs, it is an epic tale of love, adventure and crime set against the landscapes of the dusty roads of Australia and the cityscapes of Glasgow, London and New York.

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